Tell Us Your Manukau

Website/Project - Developer - Beweb Web Developers Auckland NZ
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
Tell Us Your Manukau outlines the 10 year plan the Manukau City Council has as it moves forward. It provides information about issues, proposed projects, services, assets and finances to help its constituents make contributions to the final plan.

A key goal is to get feedback and public submissions on all parts of the strategic plan, so contextual feedback forms are available in all parts of the site.

Beweb worked closely with the Council and Port Design to evolve a site that empowers the Council Communications team to take full control of the publishing of content.

The Council is using the CMS to manage content for both the online and printed versions, which they will publish simultaneously.

Client: Port Design
Date Developed: 2009
Role: Developer
Partners: Port Design - designer
Categories: User Generated Content, CMS

Projects tagged User Generated Content

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