Starship Spring Clean

Website/Project - Developer - Beweb Web Developers Auckland NZ
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
Every year, the Starship Spring Clean project asks New Zealanders to clean up and sell their old items in support of our national children's hospital. In 2012, people could get involved by either donating part of the proceeds from a TradeMe auction, or from a garage sale.

Beweb created the microsite that allows people to sign up and donate. A system of ID numbers are used to link donations to auctions or garage sales, and the payment is done through a Flo2Cash integration. The site also records the donations and sends a daily email to the Starship administrators.

Client: DAN (Digital Arts Network)
Date Developed: 2012
Role: Developer
Partners: DAN (Digital Arts Network) - Design
Categories: Promotions, e-commerce, Consumer Brands

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