Ziera Shoes


Website/Project - Developer - Beweb Web Developers Auckland NZ
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
Ziera Shoes (previously Kumfs) create and sell women's footwear that is beautiful both inside and out. They have almost 700 stockists all over the world. Their website refresh needed to embrace their new brand look and feel, and enable them to edit content quickly and easily.

Beweb worked with Ziera's in house designer, their existing customer database (Advanced Retail) and shoe database (Lawson's M3), and replaced a legacy CMS to produce exactly that. We also completed the site in record time ready for the new season's product release.

Client: Ziera / Kumfs Shoes
Date Developed: 2012–14
Role: Developer
Partners: Ziera Shoes - Design
Categories: e-commerce, Consumer Brands, Product Catalogues, User Generated Content, Wireframing, HTML5, CMS

Projects tagged User Generated Content

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