Barnes, Catmur & Friends

Website/Project - Javascript & CMS Developer - Beweb Web Developers Auckland NZ
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
Barnes, Catmur & Friends had a creative website that just wasn't flexible enough for their needs. It also needed optimisation, and additional javascript and categorisation functionality. They had a deadline too - with the judges for the Fairfax Media/AdMedia Advertising Agency of the Year beginning to gather their research.

We integrated Savvy CMS into the site, making it easy for them to update their recent campaigns and clients, and upgraded the section in which they displayed to make it easier and more interesting to navigate. We used HTML5, CSS3 and the Isotope jQuery plugin to do this. We also completed the project just in time - in the end, Barnes, Catmur & Friends became the 2013 Advertising Agency of the Year.

Client: Barnes, Catmur & Friends
Date Developed: 2013
Role: Javascript & CMS Developer
Categories: Mobile, Industry: Advertising, HTML5, Javascript/Flash/Animation, CMS, B2B

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