Vodafone French Polynesia


Website/Project - Developers - Beweb Web Developers Auckland NZ
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  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
Vodafone's first network launch since 2009 necessitated a brand new website. Vodafone French Polynesia accepted our pitch to provide them with a complex, integrated, large-scale site that would present their products and services in the best possible light to all their new potential customers.

We worked with a number of different parties to produce the website - Ogilvy, who provided the design and HTML; Huawei, who provided the My Vodafone system; and 8 Elements, who provided the fun store apps. We also worked very closely with the marketing team at Vodafone French Polynesia as they worked on developing the brand new content - both French and English were accommodated in the website. As launch day got closer, we made rapid changes to our very flexible CMS to best suit their needs.

Client: Vodafone French Polynesia
Date Developed: 2013
Role: Developers
Partners: Ogilvy - Design and HTML
Categories: Product Catalogues, Mobile, Industry: Telecommunications, HTML5, Javascript/Flash/Animation, CMS

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