Founders Brewery

Website/Project - Developer - Beweb Web Developers Auckland NZ
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
  • Thumbnail of web development project
Part of an AXIS Award winning campaign for Founders Brewery. These guys have been brewing beer in Nelson for almost 160 years, spanning over 6 generations - a fact that Barnes Catmur & Friends have expanded on with the relaunch campaign that they've created.

They tasked us to create a series of javascript games as challenges for users to complete to become part of the Founders 'family'. We also developed a timeline that displays all the new members of the Founders 'family' and shows your place on that timeline, and a huge family tree that shows how you are connected to all the other people who have joined the family.

Each of these features was built with Javascript and SVG, so that they would work on mobile and older Internet Explorer browsers. We also integrated Savvy CMS to track registered and invited users, including a dashboard that displays vital statistics up front.

Client: Barnes, Catmur & Friends
Date Developed: 2013
Role: Developer
Partners: Barnes, Catmur & Friends - Strategy and design
Awards: Bronze Integrated AXIS at 2014 CAANZ AXIS Awards
Categories: User Generated Content, Promotions, Industry: Advertising, Javascript/Flash/Animation, Facebook, Consumer Brands, CMS

Projects tagged Industry: Advertising

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