QBE/Honda Rider Insurance calculator

Website/Project - Developer - Beweb Web Developers Auckland NZ
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  • Thumbnail of web development project
QBE are the insurance broker for Honda Motorbikes. As Honda is our client, QBE brought us in to develop a system for Honda salespeople to complete insurance processing online.

The system integrates with QBE's internal systems to remove all manual processing. By going through a series of questions with a customer, Honda salespeople can obtain approved insurance on the spot.

If a customer has a history, such as speeding fines, the system sends the policy directly to a QBE underwriter who can make a decision within minutes. The final policy can then be accepted and all documentation emailed automatically to the customer.

Honda salespeople can obtain new insurance, send through insurance referrals, look up previous quotes to see the current status and access claim forms for their customers.

Client: QBE/Honda
Date Developed: 2014–15
Role: Developer
Categories: External systems integration, Calculators, Business Systems

Projects tagged Calculators